Leonor Medeiros
Im from Portugal, currently studing computer and multimidia engeneering in Lisbon. I'm not looking for a job yet, but i'd love to start my carrer in 3D art in 1 or 2 years from now.
For the past 3 years, since i was introduced to Blender, i felt in love with the sotware and the endless word of possibilites to create what i whant in 3D. It fells like giving life to ideias, so sinse then, i have been learning more and more about 3D, but also about engenieering, programing, and fine arts.
It's a huge world of knolege that i'm in love with and what to dedicate my life to explor.
University: ILP - Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
Studys: Informatics and Multimedia Engineering BSc (09/2022-07/2025)
OutSystems, ItUp - Core Ramp Up (09/2023)
Fundação da Juventude, Roda Viva - Monitor Campos de Férias (04/2023)
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