
Leonor Medeiros

Im from Portugal, currently studing computer and multimidia engeneering in Lisbon. I'm not looking for a job yet, but i'd love to start my carrer in 3D art in 1 or 2 years from now.

For the past 3 years, since i was introduced to Blender, i felt in love with the sotware and the endless word of possibilites to create what i whant in 3D. It fells like giving life to ideias, so sinse then, i have been learning more and more about 3D, but also about engenieering, programing, and fine arts.

It's a huge world of knolege that i'm in love with and what to dedicate my life to explor.


The level is given by the average of two components, one is numerical and absolute and the other is relative: the time (in hours) I spent training the skill (very precise, I measure all my working time) and my level of confidence doing it (0-10). For a maximum of 5000 hours. These are only my main and maybe most relevant skills.

3D related (Blender)
(486, 6)
(277, 5)
(145, 6)
Web & OutSystems
(117+72, 4)
(70, 6)